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Can you tell me more about orion edutech?
We are a highly successful vocational, 17 year training organisation from India having franchise operations in 32 countries across the world. Please visit our website Www.orionedutech.com to know all about orion
How big is orion edutech
Orion direct staff consists of more than 6000 people working at various locations across India and world
Orion operates in 4 continents in 31 country's across the globe. Herewith the break up of each continent :
Asia : 11 countries
Africa : 16 countries
Central America : 3 country's
North America : 2
What languages does orion currently Teach in?
Orion currently teaches in over 15 languages including French Spanish Portugese English Hindi and Bangali to name a few.
Tell me about Orion Courses and fields.
Orion has more than 1000 courses in virtually every stream and industry. Please get in touch with our counsellor who'll send you a comprehensive list of all courses. You can also directly whatsapp us on +919953330039
Who are Orion teachers?
Orion has a pool of highly eminent teachers, professors and facilitators who train the students live online. There is also sometimes an assistant at the other end to help the students understand the teacher better and also to assist them with last mile problems and lab practicals.
How satisfied are the existing Orion students?
All our existent students throughout the world are extremely happy and delighted with our quality of education and services. Orion has highly regarded eminent teachers with perfect domain knowledge providing best training of highest quality at minimal cost.
Do you have a business plan for my country?
Yes we have a complete business plan for your country and location. Typically we are looking for approximately 1.6 million usd in 5 years from all the above streams combined.
What is a blended learning model of teaching?
Orion blended learning is a mixture of both live online face to face learning with our eminemt teachers, offline learning and e-learning.
How are your courses priced?
We have a system called surge pricing. Depending on the course the student joins, services he wants to avail off and his time of joining, the fee varies.
Typically we charge between 50 and 500 usd for a typical 3 months certificate training programs
How do you admit students?
Orion offers a single click solution for student admissions.
On payment to our frahchise parter we admit the student in our state of art Lms. He gets an sms on his cellphone and an email on his issued gsuite ID.
Upon clicking on it he joins automatically his batch.
How do we as franchises manage our students?
The entire life cycle of the student right from lead generation counselling training certification and more is managed through orion state of art lms and Google suit.
Assessment and Evaluation through class tests through artificially intellegent bots
The Final written test remote proctor led through system
Can I see a certification sample?
Yes, please click the link https://www.facebook.com/1995140354119415/posts/1995153960784721/?app=fbl
Do you support your franchise in marketing?
Yes we'll support you with following -
- lead generation through Google. You'll get leads in real time. Orion is given usd 10,000 budget with google monthly for all countries Combined. Youll get an exclusive Google suit account for yourself all your employees and enrolled students.
- Lead generation through facebook
- through our existing database of more than 20,000 clients using look alike audience
- Designing through canva
- Emailing through mergo
- Orion assistance in online seminars
- through Orion workplace a state of an art Learning management system incorporating latest technology in the world.
Orion has a dedicated counselling cell which will support you completely in counselling of students 24x7x365
Ce que disent nos clients